Honors Program Advisory Committee

Correct as of January 11, 2016
Y34A Advisory Committee
Office Member Member's Department Description of Position

Selection Method

(See list below)



Term Length Term Years
Chair Tom Mould Sociology/Anthropology Director of the Honors Program ex-officio Yes - -
Tim Peeples Provost's Office Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs ex-officio Yes - -
Lucinda Austin Communications Associate Director of the Honors Program ex-officio Yes - -
Year One (Group A)
Quan Xu Communications Faculty Member (#1) 1 Yes 2 years 2014-2016
Tonya Train Biology Faculty Member (#2) 1 Yes 2 years 2014-2016
Steve Bednar Economics Faculty Member (#3) 1 Yes 2 years 2014-2016
Year Two (Group B)
Sophie Adamson World Languages and Cultures Faculty Member (#4) 1 Yes 2 years 2015-2017
Joel Hollingsworth Computing Sciences Faculty Member (#5) 1 Yes 2 years 2015-2017
Michael Smith Performing Arts Faculty Member (#6) 1 Yes 2 years 2015-2017
Student Members of the Honors Program

Selina Guevara
First Year Student 2 Yes 1 year 2015-2016
Emma Sonricker Sophomore Student 2 Yes 1 year 2015-2016
Grace O'Hara Junior Studemt 2 Yes 1 year 2015-2016
Helen Meskhidze Senior Student 2 Yes 1 year 2015-2016
Methods of Selection to this Committee:
1= Appointed by the Provost/EVP
2 = Appointed by the Honors Program Director