Institutional Review Board

Correct as of January 11, 2016
Y26C Advisory Committee  
Office Member Member's Department Description of Position Selection Method (See list below) Voting Member Term Length Term Years

Members who are scientists

(Minimum 2)

Members who are not scientists

(Minimum 2)

Advisor Bonnie Bruno Sponsored Programs Director, Office of Sponsored Programs ex-officio No - -
Year One (Group A)

Jeff Clark Mathematics Faculty Member from Elon College 1 Yes 4 years 2014-2018
Year Two (Group B)

Brian Lyons Management Faculty Member from the School of Business 1 Yes 4 years 2015-2019
Quian Xu Communications Faculty Member from the School of Communications 1 Yes 4 years 2015-2019 Yes
Year Three (Group C)

Marna Winter Education Faculty Member from the School of Education 1 Yes 4 years 2012-2016 Yes
Year Four (Group D)

Srikant Vallabhajosula Physical Therapy Faculty Member from the School of Health Sciences 1 Yes 4 years 2013-2017 Yes
Additional Members

Elena Schoonmaker -Gates World Languages and Cultures Faculty Member from CAS 1 Yes 4 years 2014-2018
Dave Buck Psychology Faculty Member from Psychology 1 Yes 4 years 2014-2018
Chair Steve Bailey Physical Therapy Faculty Member from Biomedical Sciences 1 Yes 4 years 2014-2018 Yes
Non-Institutional Member

David Koester Member from the non-institutional population 1 Yes 1 year 2015-2016
Methods of Selection for this Committee:

1= Appointed by Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs