Lyceum Committee

Correct as of January 11, 2016

Y24A Advisory  Committee

Office Member Member's Department Description of Position

Selection Method

(See list below)

Voting Member Term Length Term Years

Jeff Clark Cultural/Special Programs Executive Director of Cultural and Special Programs ex-officio Yes - -
Jon Metzger
Chairperson of the Department of Music

Faculty Appointed

Teresa LePors Library Apppointed Faculty Member (#1) 1 Yes 2 years 2015-2017

James Marchant Arts Administration Apppointed Faculty Member (#2) 1 Yes 2 years 2015-2017

Erin Gillespie Marketing Apppointed Faculty Member (#3) 1 Yes 2 years 2016-2018

Lynne Bisko Library Apppointed Faculty Member (#4) 1 Yes 2 years 2016-2018

(additional faculty members may be appointed) 1
2 years

Student Members

Student Member (#1) 2
Yes 1 year 2015-2016

Student Member (#2) 2
Yes 1 year 2015-2016

Methods of Selection for this Committee:

1= Appointed by the President or his/her designees in consultation with the Executive Director of Cultural and Special Programs
         2= Appointed by the Executive Director of Cultural and Special Programs in consultation with the Chair of the Committee