Student Communications Media Board

Correct as of January 11, 2016

Y25H Advisory Committee

Office Member Member's Department Description of Position

Selection Method

(See list below)



Term Length Term Years

Bob Frigo
Student Life Assistant or Associate Dean of Students 3 Yes - -

Kenn Gaither Communications Associate Dean of Communications 4 Yes - -

Christopher Waters Technology Chief Information Officer, or designee ex-officio Yes - -
Chair Brooke Barnett Provost's Office Associate Provost for Academic Affairs ex-officio No* - -
  Colin Donohue
Communications Coordinator/Director of Student Media

Eric Townsend University Communications Director of University Communications, or designee ex-officio No - -

(* May vote only to break a tie)

Full-Time Permanent Teaching Faculty Members or Support Staff with Faculty Rank

(No more than two faculty from any department. Faculty advisors to the media are ineligible)

Year One (Group A)

Lynne Bisko Belk Library Faculty Member (#1) 1 Yes 2 years 2014-2016

Max Negin** Communications Faculty Member (#2) (from Communications)
1 Yes 2 years 2014-2016

(**Negin is replacing Lessner for the last year of his term


Year Two (Group B)

Jen Guy Metcalf Performing Arts
Faculty Member (#3)
1 Yes 2 years 2015-2017

Student Members

(Editors or managers of campus media are ineligible)

Alexandra Fung
Student Member (#1) 2 Yes 2 years 2014-2016

Oscar Miranda
Student member (#2) 2 Yes 2 years 2015-2017

Elizabeth Bilka
Student member (#3) 2 Yes 2 years 2015-2017

Methods of Selection for this Committee:

1 = Appointed by the Provost/EVP

2 = Appointed by SGA President with SGA approval

3= Appointed by Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students

4= Apponted by the Dean of Communications