Academic Technology and Computing Committee

Correct as of August 15, 2017

Y25S Standing Committee

Office Member Member's Department Description of Position Selection Method (See list below) Voting Member Term Length Term Years

Christopher Waters  Technology Assistant Vice President for Technology/CIO ex-officio Yes - -

Joan Ruelle Belk Library Dean and University Librarian ex-officio No - -

Todd Lee Mathematics and Statistics
Faculty Fellow for Technology ex-officio No - -

Year One (Group A)

Clay Stevenson Music Faculty Member from CAS: Fine Arts and Humanities 1 Yes 3 years 2015-2018

Lin Zhao Finance Faculty Member from Business 1 Yes 3 years 2015-2018

Cindy Bennett Physician Assistant Studies Faculty Member from Health Sciences 1 Yes 3 years 2015-2018

Year Two (Group B)

Chair Ben Hannam Communications Faculty Member from Communications 1 Yes 3 years 2016-2019

Rachel Force Psychology & Human Service Studies
Faculty Member from CAS: Social Sciences 1 Yes 3 years 2016-2019

Year Three (Group C)

David Powell Computing Sciences and Business Administration Faculty member from CAS: Mathematics and Natural /Sciences 1 Yes 3 years 2017-2020

Heidi Hollingsworth Education and Wellness Faculty Member from Education and Wellness 1 Yes 3 years 2017-2020

Student Members


Student Member (#1) 2
Yes 1 year 2016-2017


Student Member (#2) 2
Yes 1 year 2016-2017

Methods of Selection for this Commmittee:

1 = Elected by Faculty in Spring Semester
         2= Appointed by SGA