Conduct Outcomes

When a student is found responsible for a violation, the hearing officer or Honor Board panel will assign an outcome. These outcomes are intended to facilitate growth and learning, to uphold Elon’s expectations for accountability based on our honor code values, to begin to repair harms that may have resulted from the behavior, and to support the health and safety of all members of our community.

The hearing officer/board will consider the following factors for developing the outcome: 

  • Standard outcomes for each violation as part of the current incident
  • The choices, risks, harms, mitigating, and aggravating factors in the current incident
  • Previous disciplinary history: including any prior violations, dates of violations, and any patterns of behaviors
  • Any current warning/probation status level

Case outcomes are not an evaluation of character, but of choices and behaviors during a specific incident. Character statements, GPA, and other similar factors are not considered as part of the process for developing outcomes.

Outcomes typically consist of a disciplinary status, educational/restorative activities, a university fine or fee, and may include additional aspects such as restrictions, an assessment with a licensed healthcare provider, and other active/passive outcomes.

Outcomes for alcohol and other drug violations are included below. Outcomes for other types of violations are listed within Prohibited Conduct.

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