Process for Student Organization Cases

A student group or organization and its officers and membership may be held collectively and individually responsible when violations of this Code of Conduct by the organization or its member(s):

  • Take place at organization-sponsored or co-sponsored events, whether sponsorship is formal or tacit;
  • Have received the consent or encouragement of the organization or of the organization’s leaders or officers; or
  • Were known or should have been known to the membership or its officers.

Cases for student groups or organizations follow the same general student conduct procedures. These cases are managed by the director of student conduct or designee. After an initial review, a notice identifying the basic incident in question and potential policy violations will be sent to the President or appropriate leader of the student organization. The investigator will meet with the President or appropriate leader, and other applicable organization members as part of the investigation. If the organization accepts responsibility for the alleged policy violations, the director of student conduct, in consultation with the dean of students, will make the final decision regarding outcomes. The organization representative is permitted to bring an advisor to any meetings throughout the process.

If the organization disputes or denies responsibility for the alleged policy violations, the Office of Student Conduct will assemble the organizational hearing panel and issue formal charges. The assistant dean of students will convene the hearing and the panel’s recommendations for determination of findings and outcomes will be considered. The decision of the hearing panel will be delivered to the organization in writing within seven days. In instances where there is a finding of responsibility and the recommended outcome may be disciplinary suspension or loss of recognized organization status, the convener will consult with the dean of students prior to notifying the organization of the final decision and applicable outcomes of the hearing.

Following an organization hearing panel decision, the organization may request to appeal the decision on the following grounds: the discovery of new and substantial information relevant to the outcome of the decision; arbitrary or capricious outcome (beyond the guidelines as presented in the Student Handbook); and/or substantial violation of procedures. (See the Appeals section for more details on the grounds and process for requesting an appeal.) The written request for an appeal must be received by 5 p.m. on the seventh day after the initial decision is delivered. The appeal will be considered by the associate vice president for Student Life/dean of students or, if that person was involved or consulted in the hearing, by the assistant vice president for Student Life/dean of campus life or designee.

Student organization resolutions and outcomes are not covered under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and decisions and outcomes related to organizational investigations and resolutions may be released. When found responsible, resolutions for student groups may be made known to the campus and public, depending upon the relationship between findings of responsibility for individual students as well as the organization. If required actions are not completed by assigned due dates, additional policies may be reviewed and/or outcomes may be assigned.

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