Forming a New Student Organization

Recognized student organizations provide opportunities for learning, student engagement, leadership development, and fostering of shared interests. These organizations are student-initiated and student-run. In order to begin the reviewing process, potential new student organizations must meet the following criteria:

  • The mission of the student organization must reflect the mission and values of the University.
  • The services and programs offered by the organization must directly relate to the University and organization missions.
  • The mission, services, and activities of the organization should be different from any other recognized student organization.
  • Proposed organizations that are formed for commercial purposes or primarily for the financial benefit of an external corporation, organization, or individual student will not be recognized.
  • Sororities and fraternities must be affiliated with a national organization; as part of the formation process theymay be affiliated with one of Elon’s existing governing councils (Interfraternity Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, or Panhellenic Association) and have completed the appropriate expansion process led by staff in Student Involvement.
  • A full-time faculty or staff member of the University must be in agreement to serve as the organization’s advisor.

Student Involvement assists in establishing new organizations. Below is the step-by-step new organization development process. (Note that some student organizations have additional considerations necessary during development process. Please contact Student Involvement for more information.)

Step 1: Attend New Student Organization Information Session hosted by Student Involvement.

Step 2: Submit ‘New Student Organization Proposal’ on PhoenixCONNECT.

Step 3: Student Involvement staff review applications, make preliminary category determinations, seek feedback from relevant campus partners, and request advisor agreement before submitting recommendations to Vice President for Student Life.

Step 4: Per recommendations from the Vice President for Student Life, student leaders attend Constitution/bylaws development workshop.

Step 5: The Student Life Committee (SLC) reviews bylaws and grants Provisional Status.

Step 6: After a minimum of one semester, student organization leaders must complete provisional review with the Student Life Committee. The SLC determines eligibility for full/active status.


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