Grade Appeal Hearing Committee

Correct as of November 17, 2021

???? Standing Committee

Office Member Member's Department Description of Position Selection Method (See list below) Voting Member Term Length Term Years

Year One (Group A)

Bill Andrews Physical Therapy Education Faculty Member from School of Health Sciences 1 Yes 2 years 2021-2023
Chair Stephen Bloch-Schulman Philosophy Faculty Member from CAS - Arts & Humanities 1 Yes 2 years 2021-2023

Ayesha Delpish Mathematics and Statistics Faculty Member from CAS - Math and Natural Sciences 1 Yes 2 years 2021-2023
  Jessalyn Strauss  Strategic Communications Faculty Member from School of Communications Yes 2 years 2021-2023
  Ifeoma Udeh  Accounting Faculty Member from School of Business 1 Yes 2 years 2021-2023
  Bud Warner
Human Service Studies Faculty Member from CAS - Social Sciences 1 Yes 2 years 2021-2023
  Marna Winter Education and Wellness Faculty Member from School of Education 1 Yes 2 years 2021-2023

Student Members

Chloe Higgins
Student Member 2 Yes 1 year 2021-2022

Methods of Selection for this Committee:

1 = Appointed by Academic Council

2 = Appointed by SGA President

3 = Appointed by the President of the University