These courses help students prepare for internships, co-ops, summer jobs, permanent employment and graduate school. Students develop strategies to achieve career goals, investigate critical issues in the workplace, develop a resume and a cover letter and learn how to network and interview effectively. Some courses may include themes such as financial literacy, preparing to go global and careers for specific majors. Descriptions are listed below. There is no additional charge for adding a Transitional Strategies (COE 310) course. The course does not count toward overload. Recommended for sophomores, juniors and seniors.

Transition Strategies: Explore Self and Careers

This course helps students prepare for internships, co-ops, summer jobs and permanent employment.  Students develop strategies to achieve career goals, investigate critical issues in the workplace, develop a resume and cover letter and learn how to network and interview effectively.  COE 310 is recommended for sophomores, juniors and seniors.

Transition Strategies:  Revson Series – Life After Elon

This class will focus on preparation for life beyond Elon with the intent of bridging the transition from Elon to the “real world.” The course incorporates the Revson Series, which consists of eight separate lectures designed to provide students with basic “how-to” information relevant to their personal development and life after Elon.  The Revson Series was developed with funding from a gift to the university from Diana and Charles Revson (P’11).

In addition, students will prepare for internships, co-ops, summer jobs, part-time and permanent employment, and graduate school by developing a resume, establishing job contacts, identifying job search strategies, and learning how to interview effectively. 

Transition Strategies:  Translating Your Elon Experiences to a Career

How will you talk about your Elon experiences when applying for jobs, internships or graduate school?  How can you leverage the liberal arts skills you have gained in college to make yourself stand out in the “real world”?  This course will help students identify, evaluate and discuss their key skill sets and how to market them for life after Elon.  Topics that will be covered include assessment of personality and strengths, resume writing, interview techniques, and networking.

Transition Strategies: Personal Finance 101

Personal finance ranges from managing personal checking accounts to investing long-term for retirement.  This course will teach students the basics of how to handle their personal finance with strategies on finance management for life after school.  The course will cover handling personal taxes, insurance and retirement options in entry-level jobs, student loan repayment, other debt payment, budgeting, and other basics that are important for students.  Students will have the opportunity to create a personal finance, investment, and budget plan to take with them based on estimated earnings and expenses.  In addition, students will learn about the job search, interviews, and resumes related to entry-level positions.

Transition Strategies:  Living the Dream: Preparing to Go Global after Graduation

This course is intended for juniors and seniors who have already studied abroad (or had other international experiences) and are interested in obtaining an international internship, working abroad, volunteering internationally or attending a graduate school with international opportunities.  This course will include: how to evaluate skills gained on international experiences; how to market your international experience(s) on your resume, cover letter and in interviews; how to research the many considerations for going abroad; and how to network.  Researching and sharing resources for finding international post-graduate opportunities (jobs abroad, internships abroad, service positions abroad and teaching positions abroad) will also be a significant part of the course.  Prerequisite: previous study abroad or other significant international experience.

Transition Strategies: Preparing for a Career in Government or Nonprofits

The job search in government and nonprofit sectors differs significantly from business.   Participants will explore opportunities in all levels of government as well as domestic and international nonprofit organizations.  The course will provide information about AmeriCorps, VISTA, Peace Corps, Teach for America, and other programs.  Course will cover all aspects of the job search so students will feel prepared to seek a career in civic engagement.  Students will have opportunities to meet professionals currently working in government and nonprofit organizations.  

Transition Strategies for CSC & ISC Majors

This course will focus on preparing students for internships, research, graduate school and careers. The course will guide students in developing a resume and cover letter, networking, interviewing, research, and applications for graduate school. The course is recommended for sophomores and juniors majoring in CSC or ISC.

Transition Strategies for Engineers

The Dual Degree Engineering Program offers an opportunity for students to earn an engineering degree from a traditional engineering school and a complimentary math or science Elon degree.  The engineering degree transfer requirements and engineering job search strategies are unique; therefore, this course is designed to address the specific needs of Elon Engineering students.  This course will provide information about the affiliate engineering programs transfer requirements.  Students will have the opportunity to meet with engineering alumni and/or representatives from the affiliate schools.  Students will also develop tools to achieve professional development goals by assessing personal strengths, developing a polished resume and cover letter, and learning strategies to obtain summer internships.

Transition Strategies for Careers in Science

The goal of this transition course is to help students learn about various jobs they can get with a science degree, find a job, identify an internship for their gap year, or find jobs that may help strengthen their application for a graduate program. Throughout the course, different individuals with science degrees will come to talk or Skype about their career path and experiences and what their job entails -- and will be able to answer questions from the students as well as offer opportunities to network. Students will be able to identify their strengths, create a resume for their potential job, write a cover letter, use resources to help find a job, learn about interviewing, and go through the process of finding a job. 

Transition Strategies:  Preparing for Sport & Event Management Internships & Careers

This course helps Sport & Event Management majors prepare for the SEM 461 internship, as well as co-ops, summer jobs and permanent employment. Students will develop strategies to achieve career goals, investigate critical issues in the workplace, develop a resume and cover letter, learn how to network and interview effectively. This course is recommended for Sport & Event Management sophomores, juniors and seniors.

Transition Strategies for Careers in Psychology

This course will focus on increasing career directedness, learning how best to prepare now to realize future goals. The course will include guidance in assessing your strengths and passions; lessons in the lifelong skills of career decision-making (including identification of resources, job market research, networking, and marketing yourself successfully); and discussions with alumni working in psychology-related fields with a BA degree. If there is interest we will also discuss financial literacy and navigation of job benefits.(This course is recommended for sophomores, juniors and seniors interested in careers in psychology-related fields without going to graduate school).

Transition Strategies:  Strategies for Mathematics Majors

Students will be given an opportunity to explore career opportunities available to them through a major in mathematics.  As a part of this exploration, students will be prepared to write effective resumes and cover letters as well as preparation for the interview process.  An additional aspect of the course will be preparation of students to complete the Mathematics portfolio graduation requirement and exit interview.  Students will be engaged in role-playing activities as well as development and evaluation of materials required to complete the departmental degree requirements and for obtaining a career in mathematics.

Transition Strategies:  Strategies for Statistics Majors

Students will be given an opportunity to explore career opportunities available to them through a major in statistics.  As a part of this exploration, students will be prepared to write effective resumes and cover letters as well as preparation for the interview process.  An additional aspect of the course will be preparation of students to complete the Statistics portfolio graduation requirement and exit interview.  Students will be engaged in role-playing activities as well as development and evaluation of materials required to complete the departmental degree requirements and for obtaining a career in statistics.

Transition Strategies:  Strategies for Careers in Mass Communications

Students will be given an overview of careers available to them in mass media with a particular emphasis on print, broadcast and on-line media.  Students will be introduced to the usual avenues of progress when seeking a career in these areas as well as some unusual approaches to internship and job opportunities. Class will be augmented by helpful lectures by guests who will focus on the mechanics of life after college; examples are real estate, investment, family life or lack of it.

Transition Strategies:  Pursuing a Career in Student Affairs

The Futures in Student Affairs Course is intended for students interested in pursuing careers in student affairs.  The class will explore the field of student affairs through a variety of different topics ranging from the history of higher education to a review of specific functional areas.  Students often graduate and enter the field of higher education with an understanding of only their own institution.  This course will allow students to explore student affairs at different institutions and understand the differences between Elon and other schools.  By the end of the course, students should feel prepared to transition into a graduate program or an entry level position within student affairs.

Transition Strategies: Preparing for a Career in the Sports Industry

The sports industry, similar to other fields, sets unique and specific expectations upon prospective employees. Students will explore the various career options available in the sports industry and will hear from sports executives currently in the field. This course will not only help guide those individuals who are ready to begin a job in athletics, but it will also show students who are curious about a career in sports how their particular knowledge and skills can be used in their future career. All aspects of the job search will also be covered so students will feel prepared to seek a career within the sports industry.

Transition Strategies: Preparing to Enter the Communications Industry

This course will help prepare students to develop and implement an internship or job search for careers in media and communication industries. Students will develop professional documents including resumes, cover letters, electronic portfolios and reels, as well as develop their networking and interviewing skills. Students will learn key resources and strategies to develop an effective plan for their search.

Transition Strategies: Infusing Creativity and Innovation into the Workplace

This course is intended for students interested in exploring how to infuse creativity and innovation into their leadership skills and abilities. One particular company that excels at delivering leadership, professional development, creativity, and innovation is the Walt Disney Company. Being recognized for its premiere professional development opportunities, Walt Disney is an expert in customer service, guest and employee satisfaction, and valuing people. Students in this course will explore these concepts through lectures, class discussion, and a culminating 4-day experience in the Disney World Parks in Orlando, Florida over Spring Break (March 21st-26th). Leveraging the talent of Disney Cast Members in various lines of work, students will participate in three Disney Educational Workshops that will take them “behind the scenes” on a journey in career discovery and leadership training. Please note: Students enrolled in this course will be financially responsible for their Disney World trip, which is required as part of the course.

Transition Strategies: Competing for National and International Fellowships

This course is intended for juniors and seniors who are planning to compete in one or more national and international fellowship competitions during the 2014-2015 academic year.  The course will walk students through the process of competing for a national award, with emphasis on how to write a compelling personal statement and/or statement of grant purpose, how to interview effectively, and how to identify, research, and evaluate opportunities for further academic study or international exchange after graduation from Elon University.  Enrollment requires permission from the instructor.


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