Academic Standing and University Withdrawal

Academic Standing

Academic standing is determined by the earned GPA for any one semester of attendance and for cumulative work. A student whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 is reviewed by the Academic Standing Committee and placed on academic probation or academic suspension.


Students who are put on probation are notified that their GPA is below 2.0, that they are limited to a maximum load of 14 semester hours and that three consecutive semesters on probation will result in suspension.


Students who are suspended are separated from Elon, and one academic semester must elapse before they are eligible for readmission. While suspended, students may not take classes at other institutions and transfer them to Elon.

In order to continue at the university, a student must earn a minimum GPA each semester of 1.0. In addition, at the end of spring semester the student must have:

  • Freshman: 1-29 semester hours completed, 1.70 GPA
  • Sophomore: 30-61 semester hours completed, 1.80 GPA
  • Junior: 62-95 semester hours completed, 1.90 GPA
  • Senior: 96 semester hours completed, 2.0 GPA

A student who is suspended and is readmitted in a subsequent term must have a minimum GPA each term or semester of 2.3 (C+) until the student’s cumulative GPA is 2.0 or higher. Failure to do so will result in a second and final suspension.

Any student failing to meet these guidelines will be academically ineligible for the next semester and suspended from the university. During the suspension period, which includes fall or spring semester, the student may apply for readmission and, if readmitted, will be placed on academic probation until the cumulative GPA reaches 2.0. A student who is suspended a second time for academic reasons is normally not readmitted to the university.


The university reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any student(s) when it believes that such action is in the best interest of the institution and/or the student(s). This action will take place only after careful consideration with the student(s) in question and all other parties with information pertinent to the matter at hand.

Withdrawal from the University

If for any reasons an undergraduate student concludes that he/she must leave the university on a temporary or long-term basis, he/she must confer with the the Registrar’s Office (Alamance 102) to apply for a withdrawal and formalize plans. The university does not administratively grant temporary leaves of absence for any reason. If a student needs to leave campus or miss class, but does not wish to request a withdrawal, the student must make arrangements with individual faculty members. Permission to miss class is solely at the discretion of the faculty member/departmental policy and may be subject to review by the dean of the school. For students requesting medical withdrawal, the Elon Student Health and Wellness Center (Room 104) will work with the student to secure medical documentation for the faculty member, if requested.

Students who withdraw from the university prior to the published date for dropping courses with a “W” will receive grades of “W”. If a student withdraws past this date in the term, faculty members will be requested to report the student progress in class at the time of withdrawal by indicating a “W” or “F” grade. That designation will be entered as the grade on the Official Transcript.

If a student’s medical or psychological condition is such that he or she cannot successfully complete the academic term, then he or she may apply for a medical withdrawal. A student who is granted a withdrawal for medical reasons will receive grades of “WD” for all coursework in progress at the time of the withdrawal. The official records of the student cannot be cleared until the withdrawal process is complete. A student may be required to remain on medical withdrawal for specified number of terms.

Graduate students should consult with the appropriate Graduate Program Director regarding withdrawal procedures for those programs.

All students who withdraw from the institution must reapply for admission to the university. Readmission procedures may be found on the Admissions website.

Students and parents who believe circumstances warrant an exception from the published policy must appeal to Gerald Whittington, Senior Vice President for Business, Finance and Technology, Alamance 107.

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