An integrated program of study based on leadership development

The Elon MBA program is designed to help students identify their career goals, provide the knowledge and capabilities they will need to achieve these goals, and throughout, help them develop leadership skills they can apply in their work and in their communities. An introductory workshop, MBA 501, is designed to introduce students to the campus, one another, and, at the same time, provide skills that can help them be successful in the program. Students in MBA 501 participate in a number of activities. First they work on development goals they hope to achieve in their MBA education. Next they participate in a leadership development exercise that is designed to identify their preferred leadership style and provide guidance about how to develop and improve these skills. Students also go through advanced Excel training to ensure they have skills they will call upon throughout their coursework.

The second workshop, MBA 502, taken as students near completion of the program revisits topics addressed in MBA 501. The course combines a look back with a look forward. Students will evaluate progress they made in reaching the goals set as they began the program and articulate new goals focused on the next phase in their careers. The most exciting element of MBA 502 is the annual Graduating Class Case Competition. Working in groups and applying the skills acquired in their MBA studies, students are challenged to provide solutions to a complex, current business case. Professional managers evaluate the group presentations, provide feedback regarding the solutions suggested, and then select each year’s winning team.

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