Religious and Spiritual Life Committee


Membership List Y27A.

Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 16)


  • University Chaplain
  • Four at-large faculty members, serving two-year terms, with two elected each year. The committee will elect annually in May a Chair from among these four faculty members.
  • One to four student members elected for two-year terms, two elected each year
  • This committee may supplement faculty and/or student membership by electing non-voting members.


To exercise an overall concern for the religious and spiritual life of the University and to advise the University Chaplain on needs in this area of campus life

Information for the Religious and Spiritual Life Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

The committee focuses on the religious and spiritual needs and well-being of the entire campus community, regardless of individual beliefs and world views, and in particular on

  • Organized religious and spiritual life on campus
  • Worship services, observances, and additional religious and spiritual programs
  • Religious and spiritual care to include guidance, growth, and support of all individuals in the campus community
  • Policies related to religious and spiritual life on campus

Policies and Procedures

  • The committee meets on a regular basis with the University Chaplain who serves as an ex-officio member.
  • Although the official membership of the committee consists of four faculty members and four students, every effort is made to involve additional interested faculty members and students.
  • Every effort is made by the committee to promote multi-faith understanding, cooperation, communication, and community.
  • The committee elects its Chair each May from among the faculty membership.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

  • The Committee Chair will submit a written annual report to Academic Council. On matters deemed to be of general concern, the Council may request that the committee report directly to the faculty.
  • Activities and functions of the committee are also recorded as minutes of each meeting and disseminated to the Elon community.