Faculty Workload – Minimum Teaching Expectations


Faculty members periodically receive release time and reassigned time to support their teaching, university service and professional activities. In the event of an accumulation of release and reassigned time (including 499 and other accrued supervision), all full time teaching faculty are expected to teach a minimum of 12 semester hours each academic year with at least one course each fall and spring semester except in the case of a sabbatical or teaching sabbatical. An exception may exist for extraordinary University duties or projects and, occasionally, for teaching faculty holding significant leadership positions of four or more years’ duration with approval of the appropriate Dean. If such an exception is granted, the full time faculty member receiving the reduced load must teach at least one course in the fall semester and one course in the spring semester.

In calculating the workload for faculty members teaching graduate courses as part of their instructional duties, a three semester hour graduate-level course will count as four and one-half semester hours.