Final Examinations


The University calendar provides a week at the end of each semester for final exams. A three-hour period is set aside for an exam for each course. The dates and times of final exams are set by the Provost/Executive Vice President and are available on OnTrack. Exam times may not be changed by the faculty member/students, and no student may be excused from a scheduled examination without appropriate authorization as stated in this section. At the request of a student, the faculty member should allow the student to see the graded final exam paper. Customarily, students are not permitted to keep final exams.

The final exam period should be used for a culminating final exam or activity. When pedagogical concerns dictate, other meaningful and significant use of the time may occur with notification to the Department Chair. In rare cases when the exam period will not be used, the time should be made up in other ways to be determined in consultation with the Department Chair.

When constructing syllabi and determining assignments and deadlines for the final weeks of classes and exam week, faculty members should make decisions that reflect respect for the integrity and length of the exam week and consideration of students’ performances and obligations in other classes.