Record Retention Policy

Elon University’s Registrar's Office is the official custodian of the academic records of enrolled students and complies with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).

The Registrar's Office at Elon University retains records and disposes of records within the guidelines noted below. This policy will supersede all other policies on student records retention and destruction pertaining to the academic records in the Registrar's Office. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that necessary records and documents are adequately protected and maintained and to ensure that records that are no longer needed or are of no value are discarded at the appropriate time. In the event of a governmental audit, investigation or pending litigation, record disposal will be suspended at the direction of the Registrar. In addition, the Registrar should be informed of any situation that might give rise to legal action as soon as the situation becomes apparent.

The Registrar's Office will release information from the student's academic record to college personnel who have demonstrated legitimate educational interest in the materials. A legitimate educational interest exists if the information requested has an educationally related purpose and is necessary for the college official to perform appropriate tasks or make a judgment within the scope of her/his assigned responsibilities or is related to a matter of safety and security of a student or the campus community.

Elon Records Retention Policy (Based on AACRAO 2010)

Record Type

Retention Guideline

Academic advisement records

2 years after graduation

Academic warning (academic non-performance)

5 years after graduation

Academic integrity violation


Academic records (misc. evaluations/assessments)


Correspondence (related to academic records)

1 year

Disciplinary action records

5 years after graduation

Grievance/complaint issued by student

3 years after closure

Major/minor/certificate/concentration changes

5 years after graduation

Appeals for exception to academic policy

4 years



Athlete eligibility reports

1 year after certification

Athlete records (includes eligibility information, academic information, documentation of participation, tutor evaluations, etc.)

10 Year

Enrollment verification

1 year after verification

Residency verification

6 years after submission

Teacher certifications

1 year after certification

Transcript requests (by student)

1 year after submitted

VA certification records

3 years after graduation

Degree audits

5 years after graduation

Returned diplomas

5 years

Graduation lists


Substitution/waivers for degree requirements

5 years after graduation

Final exams/graded coursework

1 year after course completion

Grade appeal/complain

1 year

Faculty grade book

5 years after course completion

Grade change forms

5 years after submission

Final grade reports

1 year after date distributed

Midterm grade reports

End of term

Final grade submission data


Name change request

5 years after graduation

Personal data update (race, ethnicity, etc.)

1 year after graduation

Transfer credit evaluations

5 years after graduation

Tuition and fee charges

5 years after graduation

Class lists


Credit/no credit, audit, pass/no pass approval

1 year after date submitted


1 year after date submitted

Withdrawal requests

5 years after date submitted



Commencement programs


Instruction evaluations (by students)

1 semester

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