National Health Service Corps

The National Health Service Corps (NHSC) scholarship is a competitive program that pays tuition, fees and provides a living stipend to students enrolled in accredited medical (MD or DO), dental, nurse practitioner, certified nurse midwife, and physician assistant training programs. Upon graduation, scholarship recipients serve as primary care providers between 2 and 4 years in a community-based site in a high-need Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) that has applied to and been approved by the NHSC as a service site.

Awards are made to applicants most committed to serving underserved people, most likely to build successful careers in HPSAs, and meet future needs for care throughout the nation. Application instructions can be found at the NHSC website.

Note: Candidates must be accepted for enrollment or enrolled in a program on or before September 30 in order to apply for the scholarship. Because the Elon PA program enrolls in January, our students are eligible to apply during their first year of enrollment. For example, an Elon PA student could apply as early as March of their first year and if awarded the scholarship begin receiving funding in July of their first year. As a result, the PA student could receive funding for a total of 21 out of their 27 months of the program.

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