D. Safety Policies

Good Samaritan Policy:  Elon embraces students helping each other and enacts the Good Samaritan policy when a student is actively seeking appropriate medical care for a student. If a student is with another student “in danger” or “of concern” and calls for medical aid they will not be held accountable for violating the University alcohol or drug use policies. The University’s main concern is getting the proper care for the student in need. Students should call for help and NOT drive anyone in need of medical attention. Most students are not trained to care for the student should they become ill or disruptive which could impact one’s ability to drive safely. Students with or observing a student “in danger” are expected to seek medical attention. If a student is with another student who has ingested dangerous amounts of alcohol or other drugs and does not call for assistance, they may be held accountable with strict sanctions for “Behavior that Endangers the Health or Safety of Self and/or Others.” 


Medical Safety PolicyWhen an individual receives emergency medical attention related to their  consumption of alcohol or drugs, the student  will be required to immediately complete a substance abuse assessment within a reasonable amount of time as determined by the Office of Student Conduct or the Office of Student Health and Wellness (typically 24-72 hours) and participate in any recommended treatment.  


As a part of the conduct process, and provided that the student did not commit any other egregious code of conduct violations, the student will not be subject to disciplinary suspension as a result of the policy violation but will receive other consequences (if this is the student’s first violation).  (These consequences typically include being assigned suspension in abeyance, the  highest level of probation that carries with it the loss of study abroad and leadership privileges for one year from the date of the incident.)


Failure to complete the elements of the Medical Safety Policy will limit the student’s continued eligibility.  If there is a subsequent hospitalization, the University will review the incident on a case-by-case basis and reserves the right to handle each situation as deemed necessary.

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