F. Process for Policies Related to Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Violence

(This process applies when a student may be charged with any of the following violations: domestic/dating abusive behavior, indecent exposure, non-consensual sexual contact, non-consensual sexual intercourse, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, and possibly stalking when acts are based on sex and/or gender.)


The Title IX Coordinator (or designee) will conduct an initial assessment to determine whether the alleged conduct presents a potential violation of the policies, identify needed resources for the complainant, and determine whether any interim protective measures are necessary to protect the safety of the parties or witnesses.  The University will seek to balance the privacy needs of all individuals involved consistent with the need to conduct a careful initial assessment and response to the reported conduct. The Title IX Coordinator will determine if the University is able to maintain confidentiality when requested in accordance with the University’s Title IX policy. 


If the responding party is a student, an investigation team is appointed (comprised of the assistant dean of students or designee and at least one investigator).  The reporting party and/or complainant, as well as respondent will each be interviewed separately to hear each participant.  The investigation team will also interview other witnesses, collect additional information, and then draft a written report.  (The investigation team determines which witnesses to interview including whether to interview those witnesses identified by either party and to the extent any witnesses’ testimony is relevant and whether to include that information in the written report.)  This report is presented to both parties for their review.  Additional information or requests for witness interviews can be added by either party or the investigation team. 


When the investigation is complete, an evaluation of the full investigation report is conducted by the investigation team and the assistant dean of students for student health and wellness and honor code. A  finding of “responsible” or “not responsible” along with possible sanctions (when appropriate) is determined, and the decisions are communicated with the complainant and respondent.  Both parties will be provided simultaneous written notification of the decisions, a rationale for the findings, any sanctions, and information related to the appeal process. 


If either party appeals the decision and the request meets the allowable grounds for an appeal (see 6.I. – APPEALS AND APPEAL BOARDS – for more information), both parties may provide information to be considered in the review.  At the conclusion of the appeal process, both parties will receive a final notification of the decision, a rationale for the findings, and any sanctions.


This process is typically completed within 60 days (not including any appeal process).  When the academic calendar or a complicated incident requires going beyond this timeline, both parties will be kept apprised of the process and next steps.

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