Process for Hiring With Tenure


In some unusual cases, tenure may be granted upon hiring. In the case where a candidate may be under consideration to receive tenure upon hiring, he/she must satisfy the criteria outlined in the Elon University Faculty Handbook for Associate Professor  or Professor  and be under consideration for hire at that rank. Additionally, he/she must have earned tenure or the equivalent at their prior institution.

The procedure for hiring with tenure involves the following steps:

  1. Following consultation with the department, the Dean of the hiring school/college and the Provost/Executive Vice President will have a meeting to discuss the rationale for hiring with tenure.
  2. The search is initiated.
  3. The candidates meet with the President.
  4. The search committee makes a recommendation for hiring on behalf of the department/program to the Dean.
  5. The selected candidate’s commitment to pursuing the position is ascertained.
  6. The candidate is asked to provide the appropriate documentation for supporting tenure. These documents should mirror those outlined in the Elon University Faculty Handbook.
  • A current curriculum vita
  • A statement of teaching and evidence of effective and engaged teaching
  • A statement of scholarship and supporting pieces of recent scholarly work
  • A statement of service and documentation supporting a history of service
  1. The Dean consults with all post-probationary faculty from within the hiring department/program regarding the granting of tenure to the candidate.
  2. The Dean communicates his/her recommendation to the Provost/Executive Vice President.
  3. The applicant’s supporting materials are sent to the Promotions and Tenure Committee for review.
  4. The Promotions and Tenure Committee sends its recommendation to the Provost/Executive Vice President.
  5. The Provost/Executive Vice President makes his/her recommendation to the President.
  6. The President’s recommendation is sent to the Board of Trustees for approval.
  7. The offer is finalized.