Graduate Grading System

Graduation is dependent upon the quality as well as the quantity of work completed. Letter grades are used. They are interpreted in the following table, with the quality points for each hour of credit shown here:

Grade    Quality Points

Above average  3.3
Below average  2.7
C Unsatisfactory  2.0
I Incomplete   
WD Medical withdrawal  0
W Withdrawal  
NR No report   

Grades of “A” through “F” are permanent grades and may not be changed except in cases of error. After a professor has certified a grade to the Registrar, he or she may change it before the end of the next regular grading period. The change must be made online or in writing and have the written approval of the Graduate Director.

An “I” grade signifies incomplete work because of illness, emergency, extreme hardship or self-paced courses. It is not given for a student missing the final examination unless excused by the MHE Graduate Director upon communication from the student. The student receiving a grade of “I” must complete all remaining work and the faculty member must submit a final grade to the Registrar the following semester by the date designated in the academic calendar. After the designated date, “I” grades automatically change to “F” unless an extension is granted by the MHE Graduate Director.

A grade of "NR" signifies that the grade was not received in time for processing. An “NR” is replaced upon receipt of an official grade change form. An “NR” not resolved by the university’s published deadline is automatically converted to an “F”.

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