PPE 400 is the interdisciplinary ‘capstone’ seminar for the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics minor. This seminar offers students the opportunity to apply the cross- and inter-disciplinary knowledge, mixed methodological frameworks, and conceptual pluralism that are the hallmark of the PPE approach to the examination of several contemporary issues of pressing public concern. Issues considered will vary by instructor. The topics taken up in the course are among the most intractable and persistent dilemmas facing policy-makers and ‘global’ citizens – indeed, many of these issues have been debated by scholars in the tradition of PPE for centuries. 

As a capstone experience for the PPE minor, the course invites students to apply the perspectives and subject-area expertise gained in upper-level PPE electives in Philosophy, Political Science, and Economics to some of the themes first encountered in PPE 110: Wealth, Power, and the Public Good. Course readings draw on analysis from the fields of Philosophy, Political Science, and Economics. Throughout the course, we will apply knowledge and methods across academic disciplines, encountering both parallel and divergent approaches to issues of public and global concern. We will work together to identify the epistemological assumptions and value-orientations embedded in arguments, and through our analysis, we will seek out more comprehensive and critical understandings of contemporary problems in historical and theoretical perspective.


4 sh


PPE 110, completion of at least two out of three of the required elective courses for the minor

Course Types


Course Outcomes

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