This course is designed to help students develop the skills required to define researchable policy questions, critically analyze policy problems, articulate relevant policy options, investigate relevant policy instruments, and apply research skills to help frame decision-making in the field of professional policy analysis and program evaluation. There are a multitude of complex political and socio-economic dynamics and a certain level of uncertainty that makes predicting outcomes of particular policy proposals difficult. Yet decisions still need to be made based on the evidence at hand. Providing responsible analysis that is data-supported and technically sound is an important part of the decision-making process. In addition, students will confront ethical questions that arise as analysts apply evidence-based methods to support value-laden policy decisions in the name of the public. Through the use of varied writing and presentation exercises students will learn to use the analytical techniques effectively and to communicate the findings of their analysis to a high professional standard in a variety of mediums.


4 sh


PST 225 and POL 220 or PHS 202, or permission of instructor


  • Spring

Course Outcomes

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