

The most generic use of the term “faculty” refers to those Elon University employees with faculty rank. “Faculty Rank” refers to an appointment that is given by the Board of Trustees. All persons with faculty rank attend the monthly faculty meetings. Those holding the rank of Lecturer, Assistant Professor, or above (as well as those teaching more than 18 semester hours in an academic year) may vote on matters that come before that body. Elon University grants faculty rank to all its employees teaching full-time and its part-time instructors teaching 18 or more semester hours in an academic year. But because Elon University also grants faculty rank to personnel who may be employed primarily in administrative or staff positions (and may or may not actually teach courses), the use of the generic “faculty” is not specific enough to delineate accurate inclusion or exclusion for a number of policies.

Elon employees with faculty rank will belong to one of the three categories listed below as their primary status in addition to their inclusion in the more general “faculty” category, even though people belonging to one category may sometimes perform duties associated with the other two categories.

The University assigns faculty to the categories below according to the nature of their appointments including such criteria as professional expectations and the evaluation procedures used to assess their growth and competency.