Faculty Emeritus Status


Retired faculty members who were members of the faculty at Elon University for at least 10 years and whose service to the institution exceeded the expected norm of performance are eligible for Emeritus Status.

The members of the retired faculty person's department should initiate the procedure by formally recommending the faculty member be granted Emeritus Status. The recommendation is sent to the appropriate Dean, who submits it, along with his or her recommendation to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs in turn forwards a recommendation to the President, who makes the final decision.

Perquisites granted to Emeritus faculty are:

  • Eligibility to maintain Web pages on university server
  • Eligibility to apply for use of the university flats in London and apartments in Florence
  • Invitation to faculty meetings and lunches
  • Continuation of email
  • Phoenix ID Card use
  • Continuation of parking permit usage
  • Use of Belk Library
  • Use of fitness center
  • Tuition remission for one course per semester
  • Free flu shots
  • Employee discount program
  • Admission to cultural events
  • Admission to athletic events
  • Invitation to campus events