
  • To advise the Director of the Elon Core Curriculum in implementation of the core curriculum program
  • To work in consultation with the departments to insure that department courses satisfactorily meet Core Curriculum requirements
  • To provide leadership in creating, modeling, and promoting effective teaching methods for Core Curriculum courses
  • To develop and implement assessment criteria and procedures to evaluate courses, student development, and the progress of the Core Curriculum itself
  • To promote the goals of Core Curriculum across campus
  • To review periodically and make recommendations to the University Curriculum Committee for curricular changes in the core curriculum
  • To approve petitions from departments not included in liberal studies for acceptance for one semester of an appropriate class for credit in the Core Curriculum at the advanced (300-400) level
  • To approve petitions from departments for acceptance of courses carrying a Core Curriculum prefix
  • To plan, implement, and review Core Curriculum seminars (first year foundations and advanced)