

  • Oversees overall currency and quality of department curriculum
  • Oversees the quality and effectiveness of instruction of department faculty
  • Recommends additions, deletions, and modifications of catalogued courses and changes in major and minor requirements to Dean, following consultation with the department
  • Prepares curricular materials for Curriculum Committee
  • Presents proposed changes to Curriculum Committee
  • Reviews and edits catalog descriptions
  • Works with department members to establish departmental goals and procedures for assessing goal attainment
  • Oversees procedures to assess student performance, including performance of seniors on comprehensive exams
  • Approves internships, independent studies, and independent research applications
  • Organizes co-curricular departmental programs and opportunities for students
  • Approves grade changes
  • Oversees development of departmental five-year plan and annual priorities (including learning outcomes)
  • Submits annual report to Dean (June)