This course covers the science and practice of agricultural food production and its impact upon surrounding landscapes.  Currently, 38% of the land surface (including mountains, urban centers, tundra, and set asides) are used in food production.  Additionally there will be more mouths to feed and more calories per person needed.  These factors contribute to a growing impact on our natural world to provide for us and to maintain natural system services. Farming for both our food, energy and fiber needs and for the support of natural system services will be critical for the overall wellbeing of ourselves and for future generations.  This class includes a required co-requisite lab component. Prerequisite:  ENS 111/113 or permission of the department chair.  This course satisfies the laboratory science requirement of the Core Curriculum. Offered fall of odd-numbered years.


4 sh

Future Course Number

ENS 3140

Course Types

Science; Laboratory; Advanced Studies


Offered fall of odd-numbered years.

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