Grade Appeal Hearing Procedure

Hearings are restricted to those Elon faculty or staff directly involved in the appeal. The student and the professor may each bring an advisor from the Elon University community (currently enrolled student, faculty, or staff member) to the hearing. The advisor may only counsel the student or the professor and may not actively participate in or make any statement during the hearing. Recognizing that the grade appeal hearing is an in-house procedure, attorneys, other legal counsel, and any other persons outside the university community are not permitted in the hearing.

The hearing committee will review all of the documentation received from the dean and then ask the student, professor, and their advisors, if present, to come into the room. The student and the professor will each be allowed to make a statement, and the committee members may ask questions of the student and the professor. The student, professor, and their advisors will then be asked to leave the room, and the final discussion and vote by the committee shall be in closed session. The decision of the committee is final, and the Chair of Academic Council will send written verification of the committee’s decision to the professor and the student. In the case of a grade change, the dean of the school or college, or his/her designee, will make the change.

Student Grade Appeal Statement

Professor Grade Appeal Statement

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