Students focus on news judgment and developing story ideas, news gathering, including sourcing, interviewing, observation and other research techniques and methods of ensuring accuracy, as well as writing basic news and feature stories. Students learn how to cover meetings, speeches, and other events, how to arrange and conduct interviews, and how to research issues and policy stories. They learn to work under the pressure of deadlines, and are introduced to the ethics of reporting and writing.


4 sh


  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Spring



  1. • write compelling, fair, informative, and ethical news stories in the public interest.
  2. • write news in Associated Press style and refine grammar and language skills.
  3. • seek out diverse perspectives for interview sources.
  4. • further develop awareness of ethical ways of reasoning and professional writing standards in matters such as truth, accuracy, fairness, objectivity, diversity, and meeting deadlines.
  5. • demonstrate awareness of issues of new technology, convergence, ownership, global development, ethics, law, and regulation.
  6. • produce media content through data collection and interpretation, applying numerical concepts and critical evaluation.
  7. • understand what news is and how responsible journalists report it.
  8. • explain the motivations and actions of different types of sources for news, including understanding the job of media relations, such as news releases and press kits.

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