University Facilities

Belk Library: Belk Library is in the center of the campus and houses many print and electronic resources that PA students may find helpful. There are a number of electronic databases, such as AccessMedicine and UpToDate to support student learning. A helpful resource for students is the PA research guide.  In addition to the many full-text print and electronic journal articles, there is an excellent interlibrary loan program to facilitate research and provide access to materials needed for evidence-based practice. For an overview of the library’s holdings and details regarding library services and policies, please see the Belk Library website.  Belk Library's Health and Life Sciences librarian is Jesse Akman, and you can schedule an appointment with him at


Moseley Center: This facility is located in the middle of campus and features offices for student organizations, conference rooms, a fireplace lounge, campus mail service, the Winter Garden Cafe, Irazu coffee shop, and much more. See the Moseley Center website for more details.


Campus bookstore: The campus bookstore is located in the Elon Town Center at the corner of N. Williamson Avenue and W. College Avenue. In addition to textbooks and supplies, this Barnes and Noble Bookseller location offers a variety of athletic and other Elon apparel as well as technological accessories, backpacks, and gift items. See the Campus Shop website for more information.



Dining services: There are a variety of dining options on the Elon campus. Please see the Dining Services website for details.


Campus Recreation & Wellness: Elon students have access to several recreational facilities (e.g. pool, fitness center, racquetball courts, etc.) in addition to some beautiful outdoor recreational spaces for individual or group activities. School of Health Science students also may use the fitness center in the Francis Center during periods when it is not being used for research or instruction. For a full listing of Campus recreation offerings, please see the Campus Recreation and Wellness website.

Academic support: Elon University is committed to providing an inclusive experience, accessible learning environments and equal opportunity to students with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.  Students requiring reasonable accommodations should contact Disabilities Resources at 336-278-6568 or  The Disability Resources office is located in the Koenigsberger Learning Center (KLC) within the Belk Library. The phone number for the Center is (336) 278-6500. It is important to note that, while they can be requested at any time during the semester, accommodations for disabilities are not retroactive. They can only be granted after the appropriate steps have been taken. Documentation of recommended accommodations provided by the Academic Support Center must be submitted to the Course Director, Director of Curriculum and Instruction (for use in appropriate academic year courses), or Director of Clinical Education (for use in appropriate clinical education phase course) prior to or on the first day of class. In cases where this doesn’t occur, the department requires notification at least 5 days prior to an examination to review and institute appropriate accommodations.


For more information about Disability Resources, information about testing accommodations and the appropriate request forms, please see the Disabilities Resources website.

The Writing Center: Elon’s Writing Center in the Center for Writing Excellence is staffed by well-trained peer consultants who can help you with all of your writing projects (for any class or major and for any extracurricular, personal, or professional purpose), so take advantage of this excellent academic resource and include a visit to our Writing Center as part of your writing process. The Writing Center is a welcoming place for all writers, regardless of experience or expertise.

In one-to-one sessions of 30 or 45 minutes, Writing Center consultants will work with you on any kind of writing (such as research or analysis papers, slide or poster presentations, or applications of any kind) at any stage of the writing process (such as understanding an assignment; brainstorming, drafting, revising, and editing; developing a research question or starting your research; or completing in-text citations and bibliographies/works cited). 

The Writing Center has two multimedia production studios so you can create and work with a consultant on your multimedia and visual texts (such as slide presentations, infographics, or websites). Visit the presentation practice room where you can easily record and critique yourself giving a presentation and get feedback from a consultant on your accompanying visuals.

Please consult the Writing Center website for hours of operations and location.  If you have questions, please contact The Writing Center Director, Dr. Julia Bleakney, at or 336.278.5642.

Glean:  Glean is a web-based software that allows for audio recording of instructors in the classroom. Guidelines for using Glean in Elon PA classrooms are outlined below:

         1. Glean may be used in Elon PA classrooms as an ADA accommodation with permission of the course director/coordinator

                     a. The STUDENT must ask each course instructor for which they plan to use the software

                     b. The COURSE DIRECTOR/COORDINATOR will address audio-recording with any guests. If the guest is not comfortable with audio recording, the students using Glean will be asked to stop using the software for this class period

         2. Glean is not to be used during small group activities or hands-on activities, except for the large group discussion/debrief at the discretion of the instructor

         3. If the content being covered in class is anticipated to be “sensitive material” or a safe space for discussion is anticipated, the COURSE DIRECTOR/COORDINATOR should let the person know (in advance if possible) that the class period is not amenable to recording. A simple best practice here is to ask all student to close their devices and have the discussion needed

         4. All recorded materials must be used only by the STUDENT who has permission to use it

         5. All materials should be erased at the end of the program

                     a. Given the curriculum of Elon PA builds upon prior courses, Elon PA learners will be allowed to retain access to recordings beyond the “semester”. They will be able to hold on to them until the end of the didactic portion of content (December of the academic year).

                     b. At this time, PowerPoint slides with typed notes can be extracted. The students will need to follow the guidance of disability resources to ensure these files are retained. However, all audio recordings must be erased.

         6. Violations of the Glean policies are consistent with Elon Honor Code violations and may result in program dismissal if the program is misused

         7. Students should be cautioned regarding the accuracy of transcription in Glean. Errors are possible in transcription, especially with complicated medical terminology and acronyms. These are beyond the control of the instructor.

Elon Student Care and Outreach Program:  As members of the Elon community, we each share a personal responsibility to express concern for one another and to ensure that this classroom and the campus as a whole remains a healthy environment for learning.  Occasionally, you may become worried or concerned about a fellow classmate’s well-being.  When this is the case, I would encourage you to share these concerns with me or to Elon’s Student Care and Outreach program.  Although you can report anonymously, it is preferred that you share your contact information so they can follow up with you personally.


Phoenix Card services: The Phoenix Card is the Elon University student and employee identification card. It can be used to make purchases, pay fees, and gain access to many locations on and off campus. Many local businesses allow holders of a Phoenix Card to use it like a debit card in their establishments. Some even offer a discount to Elon students and employees. For information on obtaining a Phoenix Card and depositing funds on it, please see the Phoenix Card website.


Elon Express schedule: The Elon bus system provides transportation for students and employees to locations on campus, in the Town of Elon and the city of Burlington. For maps of bus routes and a schedule of stops, please see the Elon Express website.



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