Assessment Procedures

Exam Software: The PA program requires students to utilize Examplify, exam software provided by ExamSoft Worldwide, Inc for student assessments.  Examplify provides a secure testing environment which locks out all other applications and access to the internet. Therefore, all students are required to have Examplify to complete exams on their laptops. Examplify can be used on most modern Microsoft Windows and Mac OS computers and iPads bought within the last 3 or 4 years.  Examplify will not run on Chromebook, Android, or Linux operating systems.  In the event a student does not have a working device on the day of the examination the student must notify the course director immediately.  Any other technical issues that arise during the test will be handled on a case-by-case basis in as fair a manner as possible.


Prior to Assessments with Examplify:

  • Download the exam between at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled exam time.
  • Charge your device to 100% prior to the exam.
  • Close ALL programs and internet browsers before launching Examplify in testing room.
  • Recommendation: Turn off antivirus programs before starting the exam

Test day expectations: On the day of an examination, students are expected to be in their seats at least five minutes prior to the scheduled start time for the examination and to create a quiet environment for the duration of the exam. All students must sign in with devices turned on and set up ready to start by the designated exam time. As students enter the exam room, they are to launch the exam and navigate to the starting screen and wait for instructions and password from the proctor. After entering the password, the student will wait on the orange screen until instructed to begin the exam. Students may only bring their device, charger, and writing utensil. Bags, cell phones, iPods/music players, all wrist devices, purses, food, coffee, backpacks, notes, paper, or other personal belongings must stay at the front of the room. Cell phones and wrist devices are strictly prohibited. Failure to comply with these standards may result in a zero for the assessment. Proctors will not answer questions during the exam (i.e., provide interpretation) but can be notified about any formatting or technical issues. In the event of a paper exam, students may bring a covered beverage into the room and a pencil or pen. All other personal belongings should be stored outside or in front of the classroom where the examination is occurring. Because the study rooms may be needed for other educational purposes, study materials and personal belongings should be placed in the student locker or other personal space before all examinations.


Students are encouraged to take care of their personal needs prior to the examination. Restrooms breaks, one at a time, will be allowed with permission from the proctor. Students must PAUSE the Examplify session, and all materials must be left at the student’s seat. Students must upload their exam file to have their assessment scored. (Green Screen) If students are unsure if their file uploaded, they may go to their ExamSoft student portal and check exam history for confirmation.


Absence and make-up examinations: Students are expected to take all examinations at the time they are administered to the entire class. Excused absences for exams are granted only in emergency situations and only when discussed in advance with the Program Director. In the event of an urgent, excused absence that has been discussed and approved, a make-up examination may be possible at the discretion of the course director. The make-up examination would be scheduled as soon as possible after the original examination date.


Unexcused absences from an examination will result in a score of 0 (zero) for the examination. If a student arrives late for an examination, he/she should enter the examination room quietly, from the back of the room and take the nearest open seat. The proctor will bring the examination materials to the student. No allowances for

extra time will be given. The student who is tardy will still be required to end the examination at the same time as the rest of the class.


Examination grades: Following the completion of course assessments, the Course Director will analyze the items and provide each student with their final score.  This process cannot begin until the assessment has been completed by the entire class.  For exams given outside of ExamSoft (including written exams or open-ended assessments), the faculty will attempt to have grades completed and released in 72 business hours.  The faculty will provide an email to the class with most-missed concepts and items.


At a designated time, the assessment will be available for a limited time for student review. This process requires in-person presence in the classroom. In the presence of a proctor, each student will be allowed to see the questions that they got incorrect and only those questions. In order to preserve exam security, no notes of any kind (including the capturing of images) will be allowed.  Please refer to the Exam Review section of the student handbook for more details.


Students with exam scores between 70 and 80 are showing development of knowledge or skills, but reviewing the exam with the instructor and making a plan based on that information is recommended for continued growth. Students who score <70 on exams need to make larger strides to master material and must contact their course instructor after reviewing their ExamSoft reports and within a week of the exam to better understand concepts that are unclear and to initiate the remediation process.


Challenges to individual items should be made in writing to the course director with at least two (2) peer-reviewed references to support them.  Students must submit any appropriately-referenced challenges within 48 hours of the exam review.  Challenges submitted after the 48-hour deadline will not be considered.  Credit for the test item challenge is at the discretion of the course director.


Grades for written assignments: See the course syllabus for a grading rubric and timetable for disseminations of scores on individual assignments. Every effort will be made to provide timely feedback to students on one assignment prior to an additional assessment of the same skill or topic.


Online assessments such as quizzes or class activities during the didactic phase and quizzes and article evaluations in the clinical phase are assignments that are to be completed by an individual student unless otherwise instructed. They are not to be copied, downloaded, verbally shared, or otherwise distributed. Any infractions will be treated as a violation of the Honor Code.  The decisions of course directors regarding examination and assignment grades are final.

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