Step Three – Appeal to Dean

If the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Step Two, or if no decision has been rendered within 14 calendar days of the Department Chair’s/supervisor's or substitute's receipt of the grievance at Step Two, the grievant may request the Dean of the Department Chair’s/supervisor's college/school to begin processing the grievance at Step Three.

Appeals are not re-investigations. The decision will be based on the written appeal and the Investigative Report from Step Two. However, if substantial new facts are discovered, the Dean may wish to investigate the recently learned information.

If the Dean is involved in the matter or has a conflict of interest related to the matter, a second person, selected by the Provost, will assist in attempting to resolve the matter.

A written response will be given to the grievant and the person (s) against whom a complaint is directed within 14 calendar days after receipt of the written grievance by the Dean unless the grievant agrees to an extension of this time period.