Promotion to Associate Librarian


Eligibility for Promotion to Associate Librarian


Assistant Librarians will be eligible for promotion to Associate Librarian after six years of professional experience at the Assistant Librarian rank, with at least four years being served at Elon University.

Application for promotion to Associate Librarian is required and must take place within two years of continuance review.

Application for Promotion to Associate Librarian


Each year the Dean of the Carol Grotnes Belk Library will review the promotion eligibility of each librarian and will notify librarians in the summer prior to the academic year in which they are first eligible for promotion.

The librarian is responsible for submitting a formal letter of application to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs indicating his/her desire to be reviewed for promotion.

Application for promotion to Associate Librarian is required and must take place within two years of the continuance review.

The applicant is responsible for meeting the guidelines in place at the year of application.


Standards for Promotion to Associate Librarian


Excellence in performance standards is required for promotion.

Standards for performance to advance to Associate Librarian rank include:

  • Demonstrated consistent growth in the skills and knowledge of librarianship, information management, and technology
  • Mastered skills in an area of specialization in a subject, service, technical, or other area of value to the Library
  • Joined and actively participated in library-related professional associations and took advantage of professional developmental opportunities
  • Worked and communicated professionally with colleagues and patrons of the Library
  • Contributed increasing service to the Elon University community and promoted Belk Library through service to Elon University

File for Promotion to Associate Librarian


Librarians standing for promotion will create a digital promotion file documenting their accomplishments to be considered by the Promotion Review Committee. The candidate will also meet with the committee if requested. The promotion file will include material from the librarian’s personnel file and may be supplemented by other materials. The digital file shall be in PDF format and the organization should include tabbed, linked sections to facilitate review. The file will include the following parts organized in sequential order from Part 1 through Part 7 of the portfolio:

Part 1: Letter expressing the intent to apply for promotion. The letter should summarize the candidate’s case for promotion. 

Part 2: Current curriculum vitae.

Part 3: Current position description.

Part 4: Performance evaluations for the librarian's term of employment at Elon University or the previous five years, whichever is shorter.

Part 5: Annual self-assessment report for the librarian's term of employment at Elon University or the previous five years, whichever is shorter.

Part 6: Description, documentation, and examples where appropriate of the librarian’s accomplishments under the promotion criteria for Librarianship, Professional Achievement, and Service. Documents can include but are not limited to copies of publications, supplemental letters of recommendation, participant evaluations of classes or programs, and materials created for instruction or library publicity.

Part 7: Letter of support from the librarian’s current supervisor.

Promotion Decision for Associate Librarian


Applications for promotion will be considered by a Promotion Review Committee.

  • The Promotion Review Committee will consist of two Elon librarians at the Associate or Senior Librarian rank, two post-probationary Librarians and a post-probationary member of the teaching faculty, appointed by the Provost/Executive Vice President. The teaching faculty member of the committee will serve a two-year term. Librarian committee members will be elected by their library faculty peers for terms of two years, with no more than two consecutive terms.
  • Committee members will be elected on a rotating basis: at the conclusion of each fiscal year, members who have completed their two-year terms will rotate off the committee, while the other members will stay on for a second year, joined by newly elected members. Committee members will elect a chair who serves as convener.

The Committee will review the applications for promotion and make its recommendation(s) to the Provost/Executive Vice President.

After the Provost/Executive Vice President has received the promotion recommendations from both the supervising Dean and the Promotion Review Committee, the Provost/Executive Vice President will call a joint meeting of the supervising Dean and the Promotion Review Committee to discuss the substance of the deliberations that led to their specific recommendations.

The Provost/Executive Vice President recommends promotion decisions to the President. The President of the University recommends promotion decisions for final approval to the Board of Trustees.

Results of Promotion Decision for Associate Librarian


For Decisions Awarding Promotion

Assistant Librarians who advance in rank to Associate Librarian will receive a three-year annually renewable appointment and one-time salary increase of $5,000

For Decisions Not Awarding Promotion

Librarians not promoted to Associate Librarian will remain at the Assistant Librarian rank and will continue to receive two-year appointments.