Membership and Officer Eligibility

All full-time undergraduate students are eligible for membership in any recognized student organization, in accordance with the standards – academic or otherwise – established by each organization. Student organizations are expected to comply with the university nondiscrimination statement in membership and officer selection, except for the limited exceptions for club sport, fine arts, and fraternity/sorority organizations, as described in the Core Principles for Recognized Student Organizations.

Any part-time undergraduate student or graduate who does not pay the Student Activity Fee may be an associate member of a recognized student organization, but may not hold office or vote.

Faculty and staff may attend student organization activities, but may not be members of recognized student organizations, and thus may not vote, hold office, or participate in decision-making of the student organization. Faculty and staff advisors for organizations are invited to attend meetings and advise members and officers in their decision-making and deliberation processes.

The officers of all recognized student organizations must be in good standing (not on academic or disciplinary probation) at the time of their election or appointment and throughout their term of office.

The authority and responsibility for ensuring that officers are eligible to hold office shall reside with the officers and advisor of the organization. In instances of dispute, the decision-making authority and responsibility rests with Student Involvement. Please contact Student Involvement for information about how to ensure officer eligibility.

Elon University has a deferred joining policy for students interested in social values-based fraternities or sororities. To be eligible to participate in recruitment/intake activities, students must:

  • Be enrolled as a full-time student
  • Have earned at least 12 credits at Elon University or transferred to Elon with a minimum of 12 credit hours from another college or university
  • Be in good standing with the university (not on academic or disciplinary probation)
  • Meet the minimum GPA requirements of the respective governing council and organization

For details about the deferred joining policy, contact Student Involvement.


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