CAE 3810-3860 Co-Op Work Experience


Non-departmental professional work experiences focused on self-exploration (values/interests/strengths), career exploration, professional communication and conduct, and developing emotional intelligence and intercultural competence connecting the fundamental mission of a liberal arts education to the professional world. These goals are facilitated through a guided work experience including professional and academic goal creation and measurement, action plans and with timetables, supervisor feedback and evaluations, and writing/reflection.reflection. All employers must be approved by the university.



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Sophomore, junior or senior standing; minimum 2.0 GPA; approval of faculty/Internship Director. CAE 3110 class recommended.

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Credit hours are based on the number of hours worked during the term - a maximum of 16 semester hours of internship/cooperative education credits may be applied to the 132 semester hours required for the A.B., B.F.A., B.S., and B.S.B.A. degrees.

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