CHM 2970 Sophomore Seminar in Chemistry

This course introduces students to skills critical for success in any STEM discipline with a focus on chemistry and biochemistry. Three major areas are covered, 1) Data Management & Presentation using spreadsheets 2) Scientific literature skills, and 3) Scientific Communication skills (Written and Oral)


1 sh


CHM 1120


CHM 2110 (Fall), or CHM 2120 (Spring)


  • Fall
  • Spring

Course Outcomes

  1. Goal #1: Data Management and Presentation
    Students will increase their appreciation, understanding, and skill in using spreadsheets to collect, analyze, and present (Figures/Tables) laboratory data.

    Outcome 1.1: Students will be able to perform both rudimentary (averages, standard deviations, etc.) and advanced analysis (outlier elimination, histograms, etc.) given model laboratory data.

    Outcome 1.2: Students will understand the characteristics of high-quality displays of scientific data.

    Outcome 1.3: Students will be able to create a high-quality visual representation of supplied experimental data.
  2. Goal #2: Literature Skills
    Students will increase their understanding of the numerous online resources available for scientific literature searchers, referencing, and cataloging.

    Outcome 2.1: Students will be able to search and catalogue references on a given topic using a variety of online databases.

    Outcome 2.2: Students will be able to use software to annotate and cite selected references in a variety of output styles.
  3. Goal #3: Scientific Communication
    Students will understand and appreciate the requirements and norms for scientific communication including traditional lab reports, literature reviews, poster and oral presentations, along with the nuances of applying for undergraduate research experiences.

    Outcome 3.1: Students will be able to search and synthesize information on a provided topic to produce a short literature review.

    Outcome 3.2: Students will be able to identify and describe the components of a complete lab report.

    Outcome 3.3: Students will be able to distinguish high quality scientific presentations (posters and presentations) from low quality/rudimentary displays.

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