CTA 2100 Introduction to Cinema and Television Arts

This course introduces fundamental aspects of cinema and television grammar. It will help students deconstruct media and provide them with basic skills, terminology and insights assisting them in analyzing how cinema and television is produced. The course focuses on creating connections between cinema and television industries, history, and media theory along with reading and writing critically.


4 sh


C or better in COM 1000


  • Fall
  • Spring

  1. Students will be able to...
    • critique aesthetic value of selected cinema & television films and series’.
  2. • reflect on how cinema & television are tools of communication and can facilitate the understanding of domestic, global and diverse cultures.
  3. • write and speak clearly and effectively to critically evaluate one’s own viewing habits, preferred genres, and biases.
  4. • increase the student’s ability to analyze creative endeavors, including describing them • with appropriate vocabulary, examining their formal elements, and engaging in research and analysis to understand their contexts.
  5. • demonstrate creative and critical thinking about the creative process.
  6. • enrich their discernment of creative production by increasing knowledge of its theoretical, history and roles of media, communication professions.

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