PEH3630 Coaching Technical and Tactical Skills
This course will examine the application of instructional methods when coaching technical and tactical skills of sport. Study of practice organization, seasonal planning, physical preparation, and an in-depth review of sport-specific skills will be addressed. Students will learn safe, effective pedagogical methods that teach for optimal performance, enjoyment and understanding.
PEH 1100, PEH 1250, PEH 1260, ESS 1110, SPT 2120, or permission of instructor.
Course Types
Course Outcomes
- • Demonstrate knowledge of skills and tactics of the sport
- • Implement practice plans that exhibit understanding of safe, effective instructional methods that demonstrate core teaching skills.
- • Utilize knowledge of skill levels, age, maturation and diverse backgrounds that affect cognitive, motor, emotional and social development when creating an effective learning environment.
- • Plan appropriate, systematic instructional activities organized into daily and seasonal plans that maximize time and potential of the athletes.
- • Develop focused, daily objectives that produce purposeful planning.
- • Express knowledge of reflective and systematic evaluation for the betterment of the athletes, coaches, and team.
- • Apply research-based, appropriate training and conditioning activities that properly utilize exercise physiology.
- • Identify suitable and effective recommendations of nutrition, hydration and supplementation.
- • Demonstrate knowledge of biomechanics when planning and instructing technical skills.