PEH4986 Internship in Physical Education and Health (Non-Teacher Licensure)
The internship in Physical Education and Health is a culminating learning experience for students pursuing the non-licensure major. This field experience should be in the area the student would eventually seek employment. This experience allows students the opportunity to practice the application of theory and apply the knowledge acquired through academic preparation. Experience at a field study site offering services related to Physical Education and Health draws on course content and makes possible the integration and development of professional skills. The PEH internship is an in-depth supervised work and study experience where the student has a degree of responsibility. In addition, the student selects, with the guidance of the agency supervisor, a project for which she/he has total responsibility. The desired result of this course design is to stimulate good judgement and sound decisions while improving problem solving, project design and implementation, communication, professional relation building skills and practical application of course content within the major.
Senior standing in the degree program and completion of all paperwork associated with the internship; 3.0 GPA in major courses and a 2.5 GPA overall; department approval
Offered fall, winter, spring and summer.
Students must get permission of the Program Coordinator, Professor
Butler-Storsved, prior to registering for the internship. Students must complete the Internship Application through the
Student Professional Development Center.