Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors include activities undertaken by an undergraduate student with significant faculty mentoring that (1) lead to new scholarly insights and/or creation of new works, (2) add to the discipline, and (3) involve critical analysis of the process and/or outcome of the activities. Quality undergraduate research and creative activity result in a product that has potential for peer-reviewed dissemination in the form of presentations, publications, exhibitions or performances. Undergraduate research credit can be obtained by registering for a course numbered 4999 and is limited to students with sophomore, junior or senior standing and a minimum GPA of 3.0. A limit of eight credit hours of undergraduate research can be applied toward graduation.

Undergraduate Research Projects, URP 4999, are courses led by faculty in the graduate programs who work with undergraduates on research projects. Individual URP courses must be approved by the Director of Undergraduate Research and will not count toward majors, minors, or core curriculum categories unless approval has been given by the appropriate program coordinator or department chair.

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