Section 1. Membership
- Academic Council will consist of 20 members elected for terms specified in the section on Elections.
- In addition to elected members, the following will hold seats on Academic Council:
- The Chair of the University Curriculum Committee, without vote
- The President, without vote; and/or the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, without vote
- The Labor Management Committee (CBA, Article 18) may designate one of its members as liaison to Academic Council. The liaison must be currently employed by the university as a member of the bargaining unit, and typically will have taught a minimum of two contiguous semesters at the university. The Chair will invite the liaison to meetings of the entire Academic Council and university faculty meetings while ensuring relevant meeting materials are shared with the liaison.
- On occasions when Academic Council so requests, the President and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will not meet with Academic Council. Such requests may be made as a matter of course and need not signify any exigency. In addition, the President and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will not meet with Academic Council when it is serving as a nominating committee or as a hearing committee.
Eligibility to Serve
To serve as a voting member of Academic Council, a faculty member must be a voting member under the terms of these bylaws and must have two years of service on the faculty. Divisional and school representatives must hold the rank of Lecturer (post Continuance Review), Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, or above; at-large members must hold the rank of Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Assistant Librarian (post Continuance Review) above. No more than two members of the faculty whose principal duties are administrative may serve on Academic Council at any one time.
Eligibility to Vote for Members
All faculty members who have voting privileges under the terms of these bylaws will be eligible to vote for members of Academic Council.
Academic Council will solicit interest in serving, but will not provide a slate of nominees. All nominations for Academic Council will be made from the floor. All voting will be by secret ballot. Elected members of Academic Council will take office during the last Academic Council meeting of the academic year and will serve until their successors are duly installed.
At the March Faculty Meeting or the February School/College Meeting, elections of members will follow a prescribed cycle.
In year one, at-large members will be elected by full voting faculty at the March Faculty Meeting. In years two and three, divisions and schools will elect their representative at the February School/College meeting. The current Academic Council members from each division and school will coordinate these elections. Representatives of the staff with faculty rank will also be elected at meetings of that group coordinated by the current Academic Council members.
Year One
- Three at-large members. Two of the at-large teaching faculty members will be from Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences and one University-wide at-large faculty member.
Year Two
- One member from the division of Arts and Humanities
- One member from the division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- One member from the division of Social Sciences
- One member from the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education
- One member from the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business
- One member from the School of Communications
- One member from the School of Health Sciences
- One member from the School of Law
- One member of Staff with Faculty Rank
Year Three
- One member from the division of Arts and Humanities
- One member from the division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- One member from the division of Social Sciences
- One member from the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education
- One member from the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business
- One member from the School of Communications
- One member from the School of Health Sciences
- One member from the School of Law
- One member of Staff with Faculty Rank
In the event of an elective vacancy on Academic Council, an election will be held at the next regular meeting of the faculty to fill the unexpired term. The manner of election will be the same as that by which the vacating member was elected.
Right of Recall
The faculty reserves the right of recall of any member of Academic Council. A two-thirds vote of the faculty will be required.
Re-Election or Reappointment
No member of Academic Council will serve for more than two consecutive terms.