Curriculum Committee (University)


For Information for the Curriculum Committee (University) and for the names of current members, refer to Curriculum Committee (University) Section.


  • Chair, without vote, elected by the ten elected committee members specified below
  • Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or designee
  • Dean of the Carol Grotnes Belk Library or designee, without vote
  • University Registrar or designee, without vote
  • Executive Director of the Elon Core Curriculum
  • Three elected teaching faculty members serving three-year terms, representing the College of Arts and Sciences, one each from Fine Arts and Humanities, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences
  • Four elected teaching faculty members serving three-year terms, representing the following schools: one each from the Love School of Business, the School of Communications, the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education, and the School of Health Sciences
  • Two at-large teaching faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences and one University wide at-large faculty member serving three-year terms, elected by the teaching faculty members
  • At least seven of the ten elected teaching faculty members must have achieved the rank of Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, or Professor.
  • Faculty from the School of Law are excluded from service on this committee.

The Chair will serve a three-year term. The Chair's term begins the Fall semester. Faculty may not serve more than two consecutive terms as Chair. The faculty member serving as Chair must have achieved the rank of Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, or Professor. During its April meeting in the second year of the incumbent Chair's term, committee members will elect a Chair-Elect. Candidates can be current committee members, incoming committee members, or individuals nominated by Academic Council's Committee on Committees. The Chair-Elect will shadow the incumbent Chair in the Chair's third year before assuming Chair duties in the next Academic Calendar year.

Duties of the Chair
  • Act as the presiding officer at meetings of the University Curriculum Committee
  • Work with the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or designee, to plan the agenda for meetings, based on: proposals that have been received at least two weeks before each meeting, charges from Academic Council, and any other issues that are curricular in nature that the University Curriculum Committee wishes to discuss
  • Respond to questions from faculty planning a proposal
  • Invite proposers, their chairs/program directors, and deans (or designees) to meetings that are pertinent to their proposals
  • After each meeting, enter decisions of the University Curriculum Committee into the technology being used to manage document flow
  • Report to the faculty, Academic Council, President, and Trustees (twice a year) on actions taken and respond to their questions
  • Compile the annual report of the University Curriculum Committee
  • Serve on Academic Council ex officio


Elections of faculty members to the Curriculum Committee (University) will occur on a three-year cycle.

Year One

    • One member from Fine Arts and Humanities
    • One member from Mathematics and Natural Sciences
    • One member from Social Sciences

Year Two

    • One member from the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business
    • One member from the School of Communications
    • One member from the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education
    • One member from the School of Health Sciences

Year Three

    • Two at-large members from Arts and Sciences
    • One at-large University-wide member

One of these elected representatives will be elected by the committee each April as Chair pro tempore. The Chair pro tempore will assume the duties of the Chair at meetings where the Chair is not present.

Duties of the Committee

  • To study and make decisions, Subject to Article V, Section 2 of the Faculty Bylaws, in regard to all areas of the instructional program of Elon University, including the content, methods, and objectives of all courses and major fields of study. Proposals for new graduate programs are subject to the provisions of Procedures for Proposal of New Graduate Programs.
  • To evaluate proposed additions to or deletions from the curriculum and to approve curricular changes
  • To be responsible for periodic studies of the curriculum in order to provide an instructional program which is consistent with the aims and objectives of Elon University and which will meet the needs of the students who are currently enrolled
  • To review and make recommendations on significant changes in curriculum, especially those impacting multiple departments or schools, in early planning stages
  • To review and make recommendations on all grant proposals with curriculum implications
  • To review and approve independent major proposals submitted to the Coordinator of the Independent Major program
  • To serve as the coordinating committee of the elected standing committees that deal directly with the curriculum (the Global Education Curriculum Committee, the Elon Core Curriculum Council, and the Graduate Council)
  • Upon receipt by the Chair of Academic Council of a written request, decisions made by the University Curriculum Committee will be subject to discussion and vote at the next scheduled faculty meeting. The request for a faculty vote must be signed by at least 15% of the fulltime teaching faculty and must be received by the Chair of Academic Council at least one week prior to the next scheduled meeting of the full faculty. In that event, the decision made at the faculty meeting will take precedence. (As noted in C26A, subsection "Methods of Reporting to the Faculty", the UCC membership may also decide to forward an item to the faculty as a whole for a vote).
  • None of the above duties of the committee will apply to the curriculum of the Law School, nor will the Law School faculty participate in the decisions of this committee.