Organization of College and Schools
The institution is organized into one college and five schools. The Academic Provost Office oversees the college and all schools.
Elon University
Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs: Dr. Rebecca Kohn
Professional Schools
Martha and Spencer Love School of Business
Dean: Dr. Raghu Tadepalli
Master of Business Administration
Master of Science in Business Analytics
Master of Science in Accounting
Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education
Dean: Dr. Ann Bullock
Master of Education
Master of Arts. in Higher Education
School of Communications
Dean: Dr. Kenn Gaither
Master of Arts in Interactive Media
School of Law
Dean: Dr. Zak Kramer
Juris Doctor
School of Health Sciences
Dean: Dr. Maha Lund
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies
The College of Arts and Sciences
Elon College - the College of Arts and Sciences
Dean: Dr. Hilton Kelly