Forming a New Student Organization

Recognized student organizations provide opportunities for learning, student engagement, leadership development, and fostering of shared interests. These organizations are student-initiated and student-run. In order to begin the reviewing process, potential new student organizations must meet the following criteria:

  • The mission of the student organization must reflect the mission and values of the University.
  • The services and programs offered by the organization must directly relate to the University and organization missions.
  • The mission, services, and activities of the organization should be different from any other recognized student organization.
  • Proposed organizations that are formed for commercial purposes or primarily for the financial benefit of an external corporation, organization, or individual student will not be recognized.
  • Sororities and fraternities must be affiliated with a national organization; as part of the formation process they may be affiliated with one of Elon’s existing governing councils (Interfraternity Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, or Panhellenic Association) and have completed the appropriate expansion process led by staff in Student Involvement.
  • A full-time faculty or staff member of the University must be in agreement to serve as the organization’s advisor.

Student Involvement assists in establishing new organizations. Details about the process for forming a new student organization can be found in the Student Organization Handbook.



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