Degree Honors

The degree of Juris Doctor will be awarded with honors under the following circumstances:

Summa Cum Laude: Any student who graduates in the top two percent of the graduating class shall be designated as graduating summa cum laude. For example, a student who graduates ranked 2/105 is in the top 2% of the class (2/105 = 1.90%) and will receive the honor of summa cum laude. On the other hand, a student who graduates ranked 3/105 is in the top 3% of the class (3/105 = 2.86%) and will receive the honor of magna cum laude.

Magna Cum Laude: Any student who graduates between the top three percent and the top seven percent of the graduating class shall be designated as graduating magna cum laude. As explained above, a student graduating ranked 3/105 will received the honor of magna cum laude, as that ranking puts the student in the top 3% of the class. A student graduating 7/105 (=6.67%; top 7%) will also receive the honor of magna cum laude, whereas a student graduating ranked 8/105 (=7.62%; top 8%) will receive the honor of cum laude.

Cum Laude: Any student who graduates between the top eight percent and the top fifteen percent of the graduating class shall be designated as graduating cum laude. As an example, a student graduating ranked 8/105 will receive the honor of cum laude (8/105=7.62%, which is top 8% of the class). Likewise, a student graduating ranked 15/105 will receive the honor of cum laude (15/105 = 14.28%, which is top 15%), while a student graduating 16/105 will not (16/105=15.24%, which is top 16%).

The award of honors is determined exclusively by the final cumulative grade- point average.

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