Prevention of Interpersonal Violence

Elon University provides educational and awareness opportunities to students, faculty and staff about sexual violence prevention through the Department of Health Promotion, Campus Safety and Police , student organizations and other University programs and offices. More information on those programs developed by Health Promotion may be found at or by contacting the Coordinator for Health Promotion by calling 336-278-7285.

Elon recognizes that preventing interpersonal violence, including sexual violence is the responsibility of the entire community. The following steps are suggestions on how members of the University community can contribute to a safe and healthy community:

Be an active bystander by recognizing a current or potentially harmful or hurtful situation and decide to take action. Assume good intentions, but step in when you see someone trying to take advantage of someone else using coercion or substances. You can intervene by using a distraction, dodge a comment by changing the subject or delegate others who you feel could better handle the situation or have a more immediate impact. If you or anyone else is in danger call 911.

Actively disrupt sexual violence culture and lead cultural change. Sexual violence culture describes a culture where sexual violence is both commonplace and tolerated. A culture of sexual violence can be disrupted by being active bystanders, supporting survivors of sexual violence, being critical consumers of media, defying traditional gender norms that force gender upon people depending on their sex, talking openly about positive sexual experience so that sexual violence can be more readily identified and educating others about a sexual violence culture.

Support victims and survivors of sexual violence. Elon University believes in supporting every survivor who comes forward by providing options and resources. The US Department of Justice states that 98% of victims/survivors are truthful, yet survivors of sexual violence are doubted more than any other victims of violent crime. At Elon University, we are committed to providing anyone who comes forward with an experience of sexual violence the support and resources needed for their own healing process. Survivors may face many barriers when coming forward or seeking support after an incident of sexual violence, including a cultural tendency to blame the victim/survivor for the assault itself. Elon University is dedicated to opposing all forms of victim-blaming, and to empowering the victim/survivor to make their own decisions regarding actions to take in the wake of sexual assault, as allowed by law. Whatever action the victim/survivor decides upon (including no action at all), support that decision and help the victim/survivor find the resources necessary to implement it.

Know the components for consent and ask for consent every time. Consent is given freely and willingly with clear communication by unimpaired partners every step of the way, and is always subject to change. It is everyone’s responsibility to ask for and receive consent from their partner(s) before sexual activity occurs. Consent is never assumed. Learn the components of consent and how to ask for it. If someone is intoxicated to the extent they are incapacitated (i.e. slurring words, unresponsive, turning away, unconscious, or vomiting) or if the person is saying yes under pressure of any kind then they are not consenting. If you don’t know if the person you are with is in a state of mind to consent you should wait until you are sure they are able to clearly communicate consent.

Training and University Events

  • Beginning in Fall 2014, all new students are required to complete an on line Interpersonal Violence Training Program called Haven.  The department of Health Promotion provides  in-person follow-up programs during the New Student Orientation program.    
  • The Department of Health Promotion provides varying lengths of violence prevention and response training for student leaders such as Residents Assistants, Orientation Leaders and Head Staff, Greek House Captains, SPARKS Peer Educators, Elon101 Teaching Assistants and Watson-Odyssey mentors.
  • The Department of Health Promotion manages or supports annual awareness events on campus such as Take Back the Night, the Clothesline Project; the Consent is Sexy campaign and Couples’ Chemistry panel.
  • The Department of Health Promotion provides workshops and trainings on violence prevention including gender norms, active bystander and consent activities, and violence response, including supporting survivors, active listening and warning signs upon request to any university faculty, staff or students and coordinates with the local agencies to provide some community educational opportunities.
  • To find out more information about upcoming events, volunteer opportunities at CrossRoads Sexual Assault Response and Resource Center or to request a workshop or training, please contact the Department of Health Promotion at (336) 278 – 7200.

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