B. Honesty and Integrity (Social Policies)

Elon University students should exemplify honesty, be trustworthy, fair, ethical, and respect the truth in all of their dealings. They should be authentic, accept the consequences of their actions, and learn from their experiences.  Conduct that violates this value includes but is not limited to:


06  Complicity

Any act that knowingly aids, facilitates, promotes or encourages the commission of a code of conduct violation by another person.

Sanctions – normally, not less than disciplinary probation with possible permanent separation, based on the severity of the violation; educational and/or restorative program or project, and additional sanctions based on the cumulative effect of all policy violations.



07  Fraud/Lying

A statement, action or representation that is false, misrepresents the truth, and/or is intended to deceive another. Examples include but are not limited to: falsifying statements, records, forms, computer applications, cable television or telecommunications equipment; manufacturing, altering or falsifying an official identification card or possession and/or use of another person’s ID or a fake identification card; or presenting another person’s Phoenix Card, name or ID number for identification, meals or purchases, or allowing another person to use one’s Phoenix Card for fraudulent purposes.

First Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary probation with possible disciplinary suspension; $100 fine, 15 campus restitution hours, educational program or project and possible loss of campus housing.
Second Offense – permanent separation.


08  Possession of Lost or Stolen Property

This includes, but is not limited to, the possession of property reported or known to be lost or stolen, regardless of the item’s place of origin. Possession of traffic cones, signs, markers, and/or other Department of Transportation materials are strictly prohibited.

First Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary probation and restitution with possible disciplinary suspension; educational program or project.
Second Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary suspension with possible permanent separation; educational program or project.


09  Stealing (Social Policy)

The unauthorized taking of property from the possession of another person or the University. This includes, but is not limited to, taking another’s personal property, the unauthorized possession of parking decals, or consumption of food. See the Academic Policies for the policy on Academic Stealing or Vandalism.

First Offense – normally, not less than suspension in abeyance with possible disciplinary suspension; restitution, loss of campus housing, and educational program or project.
Second Offense – permanent separation.



10  Unauthorized Entry or Occupancy of a University Facility

Unauthorized access or misuse of access privileges to University facilities; propping of doors for entry into or exit from a University building; any occupancy during periods in which university housing is closed without proper authorization from Residence Life; or any occupancy beyond that allowed under the Guest and Visitation policy.


First Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary probation with possible suspension in abeyance and loss of university housing; restitution and campus restitution hours.
Second Offense – normally, not less than suspension in abeyance or more than disciplinary suspension and loss of campus housing; campus restitution hours and educational program or project.

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