E. Community Safety and Well-Being (Social Policies)

Elon University students build and enhance their community. Behavior that violates these values includes:


26  Destruction or Defacing of Property

Destruction, damage or defacement of personal, public, or university property; including, but not limited to: defacing structures, bulletin boards, equipment and facilities; tampering with or damaging thermostats; parking/driving on grass and sidewalks; grinding or rail sliding with skates or skateboards; littering; and removing window screens.

First Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary probation with possible disciplinary suspension; 25 campus restitution hours, $150 fine, restitution, and housing relocation or loss of university housing.
Second Offense normally, not less than suspension in abeyance with possible disciplinary suspension; 50 campus restitution hours, $300 fine, restitution, housing relocation or loss of university housing, counseling assessment and compliance with recommendations.


27  Disorderly Conduct

Conduct that is disruptive to the rights of others.   Examples include but are not limited to:  intentionally preventing others from listening or presenting their ideas in class; use of cell phones in classrooms or during campus events; excessive noise; public urination, defecation, or exposure (without sexual misconduct); horseplay, practical jokes; hiding from university officials or resisting police/security officers; hall sports; and general annoyances. Offenses that occur in the classroom may result in temporary or permanent suspension from the class, pending the outcome of a hearing. 

First Offense – normally, not less than official warning with possible disciplinary suspension; 10 campus restitution hours, $150 fine, educational program or project. Temporary or permanent suspension from a class may result when the offense occurs in a class or is class-related.
Second Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary probation with possible disciplinary suspension; educational program or project, 25 campus restitution hours, $300 fine. Temporary or permanent suspension from the class may result when the offense occurs in the class or is class-related.


28  Fire Safety

Violation of local, state, federal or campus fire policies including, but not limited to:

a)      fire setting – intentionally or recklessly starting a fire without authorization;

b)      arson – setting fires with the intention of destroying property;

c)      improper use of University fire safety equipment; or

d)      tampering with, covering or removing smoke detectors, fire alarms, fire extinguishers, exit signs or other life safety equipment, as well as the breaking of pull station or fire extinguisher covers unless the situation warrants such action and/or causing a false fire alarm to be pulled.

First Offense – normally, not less than suspension in abeyance and possible permanent separation; loss of campus housing, $100-500 fine, 25 campus restitution hours and educational program or project.
Second Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary suspension with possible permanent separation, permanent loss of campus housing, and psychological assessment.


29  Firearms and/or Weapons

The possession or use, whether openly or concealed, of any weapon or ammunition is strictly prohibited (even if the student has a concealed handgun license) while on university-owned property or at university-related events.  Examples of “weapons” include, but are not limited to: the possession or use of any object as a weapon or in a threatening manner; guns, rifles, pistols, bullets, explosives, stun guns, BB guns, air soft guns, paint pellet guns, bow and arrows, sling shots, bowie knives, daggers, switch-blade knives, metallic knuckles, throwing stars, knives of more than six inches when opened and any other weapon of any kind.

Sanctions – Possession of firearms or weapons
First Offense – normally, not less than suspension in abeyance with possible permanent separation; weapon confiscated, $200 fine, immediate loss of campus housing and 50 campus restitution hours.
Second Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary suspension and possible permanent separation; weapon confiscated, 50 restitution hours, psychological assessment and compliance with recommendations. 

Sanctions – Use of firearms or weapons
First Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary suspension and possible permanent separation.
Second Offense – permanent separation.


30  Fireworks

The possession and/or use of fireworks on university owned or leased property or at university or student sponsored events.

First Offense – normally, not less than fireworks confiscated, disciplinary probation with possible disciplinary suspension; $100 fine, 15 campus restitution hours.
Second Offense – normally, not less than suspension in abeyance with possible disciplinary suspension or permanent separation; $200 fine, 30 campus restitution hours, loss of campus housing.


31  Gambling

To play, or game, for money or other valuable stakes with the hope of gaining something significant beyond the amount an individual pays.

Sanctions – not less than disciplinary probation with possible disciplinary suspension, educational program or project, counseling assessment and compliance with recommendations.


32  Guest Behavior

A guest is defined as anyone who is present at the invitation of a student or anyone who is received or accompanied by a student on university owned or leased property. Students are responsible for educating their guest(s) regarding university policies and are accountable for the behavior and actions of their guest(s). Students will be charged with violating this policy and all other policies their guest(s) violate, as if the student(s) violated the policies themselves. Non-student guests are also subject to criminal prosecution for violation of campus policies and state and federal laws. Students are responsible for all guest activities and incidents occurring on university owned or leased property.  Guests with repeat or serious violations of campus policies may be permanently trespassed from campus and may be subject to criminal prosecution.


In order to ensure the safety and comfort of all residents, students may not leave guests unattended in their residence hall, apartment, or common area at any time. Students must escort their guests at all times, including trips to the bathroom in halls with community single sex bathrooms.

Sanctions – Sanctions will be determined by the cumulative effect of all related social policy violations.


33  Host Responsibility

Students residing in University-owned or managed residences are responsible for all conduct that occurs in their room, suite or apartment including ensuring the safety, well-being and conduct of their guests, whether invited or uninvited.  This includes hosting events or gatherings where alcohol is available for underage students or guests, students drink to excess, or use illegal drugs.  Student hosts may be held responsible for damages to the community, students jumping from windows, etc.  Also, students are not allowed to host more guests than is reasonable for each type of “living unit” or which violates fire code.  (Two person rooms may have no more than six total at any time – four person suites may have twelve total – eight person flats/apartments may have 20 total, etc.) 

First Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary probation with possible disciplinary suspension; alcohol/drugs confiscated and disposed of, $150 fine, alcohol or other education program or project, and possible substance abuse assessment with compliance with recommendations.
Second Offense – normally, not less than suspension in abeyance with possible disciplinary suspension; alcohol/drugs confiscated and disposed of, substance abuse assessment with compliance with recommendations, 25 campus restitution hours and $300 fine.
Third Offense – normally, disciplinary suspension for one year.


34  Laws of the Wider Society and Student Behavior at Off-Campus Sites

All students are required to abide by the laws of local, state and national governments and are subject to university action for violation of any law. This includes Town of Elon ordinances. University sanctions may be assigned to students through the code of conduct for behavior that adversely affects self or others at off-campus sites or disrupts the community. University action does not preclude the possibility of civil or criminal charges being placed against an individual nor does the filing of civil or criminal charges preclude action by the university.

Sanctions – official warning with possible permanent separation, based on the severity of the violation; educational and/or restorative program or project, and additional sanctions based on the cumulative effect of all policy violations.


35  Misuse of University Brand or Property

Students must refrain from actions that impair the university’s purpose or its reputation, including but not limited to the unauthorized and/or inappropriate use of the university’s logo or brand, the unauthorized use of university property (including misuse or duplication of university keys, university vehicles, or university equipment/furniture).

Sanctions – normally, not less than disciplinary probation with possible disciplinary suspension; restriction or removal of privileges and educational program or project.


36  Off-Campus Parties

Students residing in off-campus residences are responsible for ensuring the safety, well-being and conduct of their guests, whether invited or uninvited. This includes hosting events or gatherings where alcohol is available for underage students, students drink to excess, or use illegal drugs.

Sanctions will be determined by the cumulative effect of all related social policy violations. For example, students may be charged with violations of the alcohol and drug policies of the university as presented in this handbook. Students should also familiarize themselves with state social host liability laws, to which they are subject.


37  Swimming or Wading in Restricted Areas

Unauthorized swimming or wading in any body of water on the Elon campus including, but not limited to, Lake Mary Nell, Lake Verona, Boney Fountain, Chandler Fountain, Fonville Fountain, or Francis Center Fountain.

Sanctions – normally, not less than an official warning and possible disciplinary probation; campus restitution hours, educational program or project.


38  Technology Use

The University has strong expectations that students will use technology in a responsible manner that supports the mission of the university and the law. Students are responsible for all actions originating through their account or network connection. University technology is not to be used for operate businesses. Students are expected to review and become familiar with the University’s technology policies and to abide by and uphold these policies. The complete policies may be accessed at https://wiki.elon.edu/display/TECH/Technology+Policies.


Acceptable Use Policy – Student accounts and network connections are for students’ individual use. A computer account is to be used only by the person to whom it has been issued. Each student is responsible for all actions originating through their account or network connection. They must not impersonate others, misrepresent  oneself, or conceal their identity in electronic messages and actions. 


Email Policy – Elon’s email is a means of official communication to persons who are members of the Elon community. As such, official University communication mechanisms (including, but not limited to: official bulk email and course email) should be read on a regular basis since they may affect day-to-day activities and responsibilities. Email is a privilege, and certain responsibilities are attached to its use. All users are expected to adhere to bounds of decency, law, ethics, common sense and good taste in email communications.


Network Connection Policy – Elon University must provide a secure network for our educational, research, instructional and administrative needs and services. An unsecured computer on the network allows denial of service attacks, viruses, Trojans, and other compromises to enter the university’s campus network, thereby affecting many computers, as well as the network’s integrity. Therefore, individuals who connect computers, servers, and other devices to the Elon network must follow specific standards and take specific actions. 


Online Social Networks – Elon University recognizes participation in cyber communities (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Yik Yak, blogs, ePortfolios, LinkedIn, etc.) is significant and can be used in positive ways to build community on and off campus. However, these outlets may also be used in inappropriate and harmful ways. Elon expects students who choose to utilize cyber communities/online social networks to exercise discretion and uphold standards of good taste and respect. Students found violating University policy, as well as local, state and federal laws in these cyber communities may be held accountable through the student conduct system and/or the court system. Students are also responsible for any content on their personal online space that is submitted to their site by individuals affiliated and not affiliated with the institution.


Videotaping, Audio Taping, and Photography Without ConsentVideotaping, audio taping, or photography (camera and video phones included) of students, faculty or staff without their express consent.


World Wide WebIndividuals and university-sanctioned student organizations must comply with the Elon University Web Policy as well as all local, state and federal laws for material residing on or any activity (e.g. file-sharing) conducted through any server on the Elon University computer network.

First Offense – normally, not less than official warning, loss of computing privileges on a temporary basis and possible loss of privilege to exhibit a web site or use university email.
Second Offense – normally, not less than disciplinary probation with possible disciplinary suspension; loss of technology privileges, and educational and/or restorative program.
Third Offense – normally, disciplinary suspension or permanent separation. 

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