F. Course Grade Implications

For academic policy violations in which a student pleads or is found “responsible,” the instructor has full authority to assign any grade deemed appropriate.  For example, he or she may elect to fail the student for the assignment, for a related unit in the course, or for the entire course.


Lowered grade for the assignment/unit:  An instructor may lower the grade or give the student an “F” for an assignment or a related unit of the course based on an academic integrity violation (not intending for the student to fail the entire course based on the violation). The violation is recorded in the Office of Student Conduct and documentation is kept in the student’s conduct file.

Transcript implications:  The final grade submitted for the course will not contain any notation indicating that a violation has occurred.

Course Repeat Policy:  The student may repeat the course consistent with the University’s course repeat policy.

Grade Appeal policy: While students may appeal a course grade through the University’s grade appeal policy, they may not base their appeal on the instructor’s assignment of an “F” for the assignment or unit resulting from the academic policy violation.


Lowered grade for the course:  An instructor may lower a grade or fail a student in a course based on a student’s having been found responsible for an academic policy violation. The violation is recorded in the Office of Student Conduct and documentation is kept in the student’s conduct file.

Transcript implications: the grade recorded by the Office of the Registrar on the student’s permanent record will be as assigned with no notation that the grade originated from a violation.

Course Repeat Policy: The student may repeat the course consistent with the University’s course repeat policy.

Grade Appeal policy: Students may not appeal a failing grade in a course with an academic integrity violation through the University’s grade appeal policy. 


A grade of “Honor Code F” for the course:  An instructor may assign the grade of “Honor Code F” for a violation of the academic policy. The violation is recorded in the Office of Student Conduct and documentation is kept in the student’s conduct file.

 Transcript implications: this will be recorded by the Office of the Registrar on the student’s permanent record; however it will not be noted as an academic integrity violation on the student’s grade report or permanent academic transcript.

Course Repeat Policy: The student may repeat the course at a later time; however, the credit hours and quality points for the original class will be retained, thus lowering the student’s overall grade point average. The standard course-repeat-rule in the Elon University Academic Catalog is not applicable for courses in which an instructor has elected to assign a student an “Honor Code F” based on an academic integrity violation.

Grade Appeal policy:  Students who receive an “Honor Code F” for a course given by the instructor based on the student’s being found responsible for an academic integrity violation may not appeal that failing grade through the University’s grade appeal policy.

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